"The Orphan" is a 2007 pyschological horror movie.The story revolves around the family a husband(john), wife(kate) and their two children(danny,max). Kate carries a miscarriage devasted by that incident she becomes an alcoholic. Inorder to overcome from that incident she adopts a 10 year old girl from an orphanage named Ester. Ester was a sweet,caring,lovely girl. She quickly adapts herself to danny,max. Ester's physical appearance is dark brown hair,white colour and she wears a ribbon around her hand, neck. On the first day of school she wears some hideous dress , which kate advices her not to wear. She wears that hideous thing anyway. Kate notices some strange behaviour of ester. On one snowy evening ester and max go for a walk where they saw a wounded bird . Ester immmediately kills that bird. Max gets afraid of that strange behaviour. On the same Day Ester drove max to a frozen lake which will break anytime thanks to kate she saved max. When kate explains this situation to john and sister abigail. When sister Abigail suspect her ester kills her...

                                                                  But why the hell Man???This was the same question strike by head while watching the movie. A lovely 10 year old murder?? well let's continue the story. However by this all strange situation danny finds it fishy. He searches his tree house and for his surprise ester came and locked danny inside the tree house with fire on it... she watches his suffering..On the another side kate get a suspicious news from the orphange that she is from a russian orphan. kate saw the tree house in fire and saves danny.Now she is confirmed that something wrong with Ester. When they took took danny to the hospital she again tries to kill him. when kate explains this to john he doesn't believe her. The nurses will drug her. Then few hours later she gets a phone call from the orphange confirming that ester is from russia but not from a orphan but from a Mental asylum...This is the part where I went like Whatttttttttt are u Kidddddddding Meeeee...

                                    Ester's real name is Leena kammer a 33 year old classified murderer. Here Leena tried so sexy and tries to seduce John, but fails...She is very angry....For the record when Leena tries to seduce another men when she failed...She killed the whole family...Afraided Kate rushes to her house...She found her husband in floor flooded by blood. She now try to save Max..In the final scene Leena was killed by Kate by breaking her leg.Yeah...That’s the bitter-sweet end of the film orphan.   
