Nasa discovers parallel universe where time runs backwards? Know ...
Parallel Universe

In this blog we are going to see the quantum mechanics involved in the theory of parallel universe.In my earlier blog i gave explanation about the begining and the evolution of the universe."Theory of  Parallel Universe" explains about the different possibilities in different dimensions connected between space-time.Let's say it in other terms consider a girl named Riya in Earth-Universe-1. Another girl named Riya in a planet named c-53 Universe-2.There is a connection between this two dimensions through space and time .

                                                                  An object in classic state we find the final position of the object in terms Newton's Equation F=ma by knowing the initial position and velocity.In Quantum state we can find the a wave's motion by schrodinger equation by knowing wave function .To calculate the wave's motion Schrodinger made a equation Probability(x)=|amplitude(x)|**2.


                                                                    Siegmund Brandt - Books

To explain this equation let's consider schrodinger cat experiment.Here the cat is placed in inside the box which is consist of an atom which can be exposed at any time if the atom expose ,the trigger will expose an cyanide poison unfortunitely it will lead to the death of the cat .But  the cat be both dead and alive at the same time we open the box.I know it kind of triggers "how the cat can be both dead and alive at the same time??".Schrodinger explains that there is possibility of both the death and the existence of the cat.This explanation of schrodinger says about the different possibility of things that can happen at the same time .Well this equation explains about the existence of  Parallel Universe and the occurence of every possible event between two different dimension connected between space and time.The Riya in Earth can be a successful astrophysicist whereas the Riya in c-53 can be a failed astrophysicist.It is just all set of possibities....

                                                  Hope you guys enjoyed my blog!!



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It's really very interesting facts about Astrophysics.It's a very amazing and awesome topic to me. I really enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for all your useful and worthy information.
Thanks for responding....
Unknown said…
Quantum physics one of my favourite topic that proved Einstein was clear but wrong about quantum entanglement....
Doing great work.Continue doing...

yeah...That's how things workout in quantum area.....WEIRD!!