The Science behind it                   SCIENCE BEHIND IT...........                           


Interstellar (2014) - IMDb

                                                                 The film Interstellar is 2014 sci-fiction movie directed by Christopher Nolan.This blog is not about the review of the film.It is going to be about the science involved in the film.Many film buffers were not able to understand the movie ,because of the science involved in it.Let's see the theories involved in it......

  • Black hole
  • Theory of relativity(worm hole)
  • String Theory                             



    Here Cooper and his team enters into the worm hole.Which is explained in the"Theory of Relativity" as a bridge more like a connection between one end of the cosmos to the another end.Here Einstein explains such that space-time bends at that point to bring two distant place together.And this hows it works.
Interstellar - Wormhole Scene 1080p HD on Make a GIF
Deep in space
                                                                              The scene in which cooper enters into the black hole.When he comes out after being rescued.His daughter will be thrice his age,which will be confusing .Black hole is the strongest gravitational source in the entire universe even light can not  escape from it's gravitational force.According to the theory "When gravity increases time slows down".So when cooper is being pulled by the gravity of the black hole,the flow of time for him remains slow.His daughter does not experience such force, so aged up.And this activity is called as "TIME DILATION".

                   "When speed increases time decreases"


                                                             Let's discuss what happens inside the black hole.Here cooper is lost in Singularity.The never ending phase,which has infinity mass and zero volume.Here cooper connects himself to his past and meet his daughter Murf. Here he does not connect to the present, he was connected to his past.That's what string theory explains,connection between strings using brane .He used the connection between his past to send message to his daughter.And these were the science involved in it.Hope it was not boring....

